21 things NOT to do at the 341 Meeting of Creditors
If you file a bankruptcy petition, you will normally be required to attend one court meeting, called 341 Meeting of Creditors. This meeting is a very important step to getting your debts discharged. 341 Meeting is brief and fairly informal, and usually boils down to answering some standard straightforward questions posed by …
Do rising real estate values matter if you are thinking about filing bankruptcy?
Not that long ago, the values of many homes here in California Bay Area have dropped dramatically and the real estate bubble has burst. Or has it? The real estate market has been bouncing back in many parts of the Bay Area. A fairly typical situation was described by my …
Can bankruptcy void and remove judgments?
In many cases, yes. A bankruptcy judge can issue a specific order voiding a lien or other outcome of the judgment. Even without such specific order, if the debt that resulted in the judgment is discharged through bankruptcy, a creditor does not have a right to enforce the judgment. Generally, …
What happens to joint or co-signed loans or leases when you file bankruptcy?
If you have any any joint or co-signed loans or leases, typically your liability for them will be cleared when you file bankruptcy, if the debt is of type that can be discharged. For example, if you co-signed a student loan, your liability for the student loan will not be …